Contact us

To contact our scheduling team, please use this form to send an email, or you can call directly at 501-441-4980.

Our fax number is 501-441-6282.

If in crisis or experiencing suicidal thoughts after hours, please contact the National Suicide & Crisis Lifeline at 988.

If experiencing a medical emergency or acute safety concern, please contact 911 or present to the nearest emergency department for assessment.



Please note that we do not provide refills after hours or on holidays.

We do not accept prescription refill requests from pharmacies. Please contact the clinic directly with any prescription needs.

Please allow 48 business hours for processing of all refill requests.

Please note that some refills require prior authorization and may take several days or even weeks to receive insurance approval. If your medication is not approved, our office staff will call to set up an appointment to discuss other medication options with your psychiatrist.

It is very important to keep regular appointments to discuss your medications. Repeated no shows or cancellations will result in a denial of refills.